Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hearty Berry Oatmeal

I'm fortunate to have toddlers to feed, who have never gotten a taste for expensive, extruded boxed cereals.  Instead, we rotate between toast and peanut butter, eggs, our own version of green smoothies, and jazzed-up oatmeal.

This is our favorite variation: oatmeal with berries.

Our old-fashioned oats (soaked the night before if I remember) are both more nutritious and less expensive than instant oatmeal.  We add some frozen berries (not terribly frugal, but a little goes a long way) to the cooking pot, with a little bit of salt, and let it all boil together.  Then, when it reaches the desired consistency, we top it with a generous pat of butter.  The sweetness of the berries makes additional sweetening unnecessary (although I sometimes add honey to my own if it's been a particularly crazy morning....)

Yum!  Real Oatmeal with berries and butter beats expensive "berries and cream" concoctions from an envelope every time!

Posted at Pennywise Platter Thursday at The Nourishing Gourmet


  1. I love oatmeal! The instant ones seem silly to me... I mean Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats don't take all that long to cook. In the time it takes to cook it, I can get my mix-ins ready and get the table set.

  2. If you're in Portland, OR - I've seen the straws at New Seasons (Raliegh Hills). Thanks for the Green Smoothie recipe. The last ones I made (going from the green smoothie girl) were not very tasty (pretty dang gross actually). I'm looking forward to giving it a try again.

  3. Jackie, I so agree! Cheaper and healthier convinced me!

    Tracey, I'm not in the Portland area, but maybe I'll ask my sister in Corvallis to pick some up next time she is there. I wasn't wildly impressed by the flavor of my last green smoothie girl recipe either, but I love my own variation, and so do the kids! Thank you for stopping by!

  4. This sounds awesome..I think that my kids will love your berry oatmeal!

  5. Sandra, I hope it's a huge success!

  6. Once a person has had real, home cooked oatmeal, I don't think those packages hold a candle to the real thing.

    I have really loved reading this new blog and am going to try out this berry-oatmeal combo! we like to sweeten ours with honey too....mmmmm

  7. Mmm, sweetening with honey may be one of my favorite activities... enjoy!


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