Friday, January 29, 2016

Introducing: Learn and Grow!

I have a super exciting announcement!

After a (long) hiatus here at Analytical Mom, this blog train is a-rolling once again.  If you've been around for a while, you might remember back in the day when I decided to call it quits on mommy blogging.  It was absolutely, 100% the right decision at that time - life was busy, my kiddos were tiny, and I truly needed to devote my undivided attention to my home.

But times change.  As my children grow and become more independent, I am delighted to find that I now have a few moments during the day when I can actually hear myself think.  And I'm discovering that as my family grows, we are all healthier when I can devote some of my attention to things OTHER THAN meeting my children's immediate needs.  They gain independence.  I gain sanity.  We all win.

And you win too.  Because not only do you get to partake in my over-analytical ramblings here, I've also started up a little Word Press site that will be more child-centered, with a focus on holistic, intentional family life.  So the nerdy mom chatter will still be present here, while the kid-focused stuff will be shifted over there.

The site is new and fairly empty and unexciting right now, but be sure to check out the intro post at Learn and Grow ( and keep an eye on the site as it develops in the upcoming weeks!

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